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Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Pursue those “aha” moments on the daily, with a team that cares and tools that facilitate confidence and success.

Leadership Fundamentals

Leadership is a dynamic and rewarding journey when focused on high-return activities. Leadership Fundamentals equips leaders with essential tools to lead intentionally, fostering team success and driving better results.

Leadership Fundamentals Goals:

  • Build Confidence: Cultivate leadership confidence through practical skills and tools for day-to-day challenges.
  • Empower Teams: Empower team members by honing skills to identify and leverage opportunities for improved alignment and performance.
  • Develop Purpose: Define a strong leadership purpose, mastering intentional approaches and strategically deploying various leadership styles for positive outcomes.
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Who Should Attend

Leaders at all levels: from those preparing for their first leadership role, to those who have been a leader for many years

Video Delivery


Virtual or in-person delivery available

Enhance the Leadership Development Experience

Add the LeadNOW 180° Assessment to the program. This assessment was designed to help leaders bring out the best in themselves and their team.

Get in Touch to Bring the Program In-House
Learn More About LeadNOW 180°

The facilitators were exceptional. I was impressed by their knowledge and skills at making the information relevant and useful.


Great insights. I truly feel inspired to make some positive changes and this program gave me the tools and insight to do it.


Incredibly insightful. I had many ‘aha’ moments. The discussion about achievement, affiliation, and power was enlightening.

Coaching Skills for Managers

Effective leaders drive strong team performance through a coach-like approach. Drawing from our extensive coaching experience, Coaching Skills for Managers simplifies the coaching process, focusing on easily applicable skills for leadership development. Our mission is to empower leaders with practical tools for tangible results.

Coaching Skills for Managers Goals:

  • Teach Practical Skills: Equip leaders with practical skills for today's agile and cross-functional workplaces.
  • Encourage Collaborative Problem-Solving: Cultivate collaboration and co-creative problem-solving by teaching leaders to listen, connect, and pose powerful questions for team insight and solution development.
  • Foster Commitment to Action: Instill individual accountability for strong team performance, creating a supportive environment where team members actively contribute and take ownership of their work.
  • Improve Communication Skills: Empower leaders to confidently deliver tough feedback using a framework that communicates messages clearly and establishes a productive path forward.
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Who Should Attend

Leaders at all levels and those preparing for leadership roles

Video Delivery


Virtual or in-person delivery available

Get in Touch to Bring the Program In-House

This course has a great impact for me in my role. It has made me understand my listening blocks, what makes an effective coach, and various coaching models I can implement based on the scenario. The facilitator was a fantastic educator and the content was interesting and applicable. Well done!


Before, I was very directional, one-sided. Now it feels like one full team. It’s less rigid now, and we’re getting more input, getting a lot more from every meeting. 


Since attending, I’m doing a much better job holding back from always providing solutions – team members are telling me they feel more empowered in our discussions. I feel like our trust is growing – they are understanding that they are in the driver’s seat more.

Lead From Within

Lead From Within is a targeted program for high performers aiming to boost influence, handle conflict, and build consensus. Designed for those stepping into leadership or leading without formal authority, it hones leadership presence, builds confidence, and helps leaders find their voice.

Lead From Within Goals:

  • Elevate Impact: Cultivate a leadership mindset for a commanding presence, amplifying participants' impact in the workplace.
  • Strengthen Relationships: Enhance critical relationships by utilizing a powerful assessment tool to deepen understanding of motivations and behaviors, allowing participants to adapt their approach and build stronger workplace relationships.
  • Build Confidence: Build confidence in handling challenging situations by mastering strategies to refocus conflicts and create mutually beneficial outcomes, a crucial skill for effective leadership.
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Who Should Attend

Individuals in functional positions who lead without formal authority or an official leadership title, as well as those preparing for leadership roles

Video Delivery


Virtual or in-person delivery available

Get in Touch to Bring the Program In-House

I learned about my strengths and weaknesses, and how that interacts with others. I am able to be objective and I can mitigate what is coming up instead of getting caught up in a "storm".


I came in having some struggles with a couple of specific relationships and types of interactions. What I learned helped me reframe how to work with them differently. This is huge for me.


The biggest impact of the program was being more aware of how I come across to others. I am more prepared now when I go into meetings when I know that there are people who have different motivations and values than me.

Women on the Rise

We champion the belief that empowered, confident, and authentic women are unstoppable. Our mission with Women on the Rise is to support the journey of every woman driven to succeed. This program, crafted by women for women, equips participants with skills to reach their best selves and fosters meaningful connections among like-minded women. It's an unforgettable experience designed to fuel personal and collective growth.

Women on the Rise Goals:

  • Build Confidence: Instill confidence to take bold action by teaching participants to leverage their strengths for empowerment in challenging situations.
  • Find an Authentic Voice: Cultivate an authentic voice, laying the groundwork for impactful communication through self-discovery in the program.
  • Overcome Obstacles: Address roadblocks that are hindering success by helping women overcome personal beliefs, habits, and behaviours while creating new personal strategies for success.
  • Build Your Network: Establish a robust network by engaging with an experienced executive-level facilitator and collaborating with a cohort of determined, like-minded women, fostering a strong support system.
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Who Should Attend

Women at all levels who are looking to elevate their leadership presence

Video Delivery


Virtual or in-person delivery available

Get in Touch to Bring the Program In-House

The energy and dynamics that evolved within the group were incredible, we had a trusting and comfortable environment, and everyone opened up to share their stories and learn. The facilitators were very inspiring, and I feel that they reshaped our minds. My mindset was shifted – I feel more confident, motivated, and empowered.


I feel like the magic is at my fingertips.


Really wonderful course full of great learning tools and resources. This pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and truly grasp the concept and objective. I am able to apply it in my job to make a difference.

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