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Lancez Votre Programme

Transition de Carrière et Relocalisation Professionnelle

Nous accompagnons les entreprises en leur fournissant un accompagnement complet pour la protection de leur image de marque et la minimisation des risques lors des périodes de réductions d'effectifs. En parallèle, nous outillons les individus avec les moyens nécessaires pour progresser avec confiance dans leur carrière.

En Savoir PlusEn Savoir PlusEn Savoir PlusCareer Transition & Outplacement

Développement du Leadership et de l'Organisation

Nous accompagnons les entreprises dans des environnements dynamiques en aidant les leaders à mettre en place des stratégies efficaces. En allant au-delà des approches traditionnelles, nous comblons les lacunes en matière de développement du leadership en cultivant des compétences essentielles et en encourageant des comportements évolutifs, assurant ainsi l'harmonie avec votre mission, vos valeurs et votre stratégie.

En Savoir PlusLeadership & Organizational Development


Grâce à nos séances de coaching personnalisées, nous enseignons aux leaders à libérer leur potentiel, à surmonter leurs défis professionnels et à développer leur conscience de soi pour une croissance professionnelle plus confiante.

En Savoir Plus Coaching

Vous Êtes Engagé Dans La Croissance — Nous Sommes Engagés À Vos Côtés

Depuis plus de 40 ans, Verity est un partenaire de confiance offrant un accompagnement performant aux individus et aux entreprises à travers le Canada et dans 30 pays à travers le monde. Spécialisés dans le développement du leadership et organisationnel, le coaching et la transition de carrière, nous offrons des services personnalisés et réactifs pour encourager les connexions, favoriser la cohésion et stimuler l'excellence afin de soutenir la croissance quotidienne de nos clients.

En Savoir Plus You’re Committed to Growth — We’re Committed to You

Featured Insights

Learn More Featured Insights

What happens when critical thinking declines in organizations and how you can close the gap. Download PDF

Before diving back into “business as usual” in the post-pandemic recovery, don’t miss the opportunity to recognize the way people have grown and express gratitude for the way they stepped up during th..


Our Book

Once Upon a Leader by Rick Lash and Christine Miners

We are pleased to announce the launch of Once Upon a Leader: Finding the Story at the Heart of Your Leadership. In this transformative guide to leadership development, executive coaches and leadership experts Rick Lash, PhD Psychology, Senior Associate and Christine Miners, Managing Director, Talent Management at Verity International, illuminate how your internal narrator acts as the operating system of your mind — and how, like any OS, it can become outdated and overstretched.

Learn More Our Book


How to be Productive and Have an Impact While Leading Remotely

Seven tips for managing yourself and engaging your team.

Building Effective Teams: A Guide with the GRPI Model

The GRPI Model is a practical tool to help you foster effective teamwork using Goals, Roles, Processes, and Interpersonal Relationships.

The Path to Strategic Talent Management │ Part 3

How to Define a Winning Talent Strategy with Stakeholder Engagement.

The Path to Strategic Talent Management │ Part 2

Getting to know your talent: determine the future potential of your employees and identify gaps.

The Path to Strategic Talent Management │ Part 1

Define a comprehensive talent profile to ensure alignment between your talent and organizational goals.

Books and podcasts to inspire you

The books and podcasts we’re reading and listening to inspire us for a new year.

New book helps today’s leaders operate at a higher, more effective level

Step-by-step guide gives leaders the tools they need to update the stories they tell themselves, so they can once again be the hero in their own narrative TORONTO–Verity International, in partnership ..

Developing the Stories of Women Leaders

Reflecting on conversations from Verity’s events throughout International Women’s Month, this piece explores the reasons women leaders give up authorship of their leadership narratives, the impact thi..

Knowing When Your Leadership Narrative Needs an Upgrade

Learn how to take ownership and transform your leadership narrative.

A New Year Awaits: Is a Career Change Right for You?

Preparing to make a career change is a big process. Take the time to assess if you are ready and evaluate why you want to make the leap.