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Financial Services Call Centre Closure

Organization Size
Organization Size
Financial services
London, ON
Sales & Marketing
Organizational Development
Check List
Employees Impacted

The Challenge

Verity’s Career Transition services were engaged in a London, ON call centre closure that affected approximately 100 employees. The employees were given three months working notice during which time they were required to continue business as usual and serve customers with the same high standards. They also needed to train a team in another city that would take over their positions.

The Solution

On announcement day, we met with all employees as a group and with each employee individually. To provide support for employees that was easy to access throughout the 3-month working notice period, we set up an onsite career centre. Employees used the centre to meet one-on-one with their dedicated career coach. We also conducted career search seminars onsite to ensure that it was maximally convenient for employees to attend.

The Result

The call centre team maintained a high level of customer satisfaction throughout the working notice period: the average wait time for calls to be answered and the number of dropped calls did not increase. Retention was 100%. When the call centre closed, 100% of the employees had found re-employment or were actively engaged in their career search. The employees affected and the organization provided high satisfaction ratings.